I can't believe it!! Freshman year is coming to an end quicker then I could've ever imagined it would. Like every other year, I have regrets. However, I also have many wonderful memories to take with me as I move on in life. Although there are some things that I regret about this year and some decisions that I made... there is no point worrying and wasting so much energy on something unchangable and as insignificant. Instead of looking back, I should be looking forward. I think one of my biggest problems is when it comes to be optimistic as oppose to pessimistic. I am quite the worry wort and tend to get worked up over the littlest things that are just not worth it! I remember my English H teacher this year, Ms. Conway, telling our class about how every morning as she walks down her staircase she counts her blessings. For example, "I'm thankful to have such caring friends" or "I am thankful to not be living in the middle of a war zone". Anyway, since this year is almost over, it has struck me how many things, including the great education that I get at T.A.S. are taken for granted. That's why I've taken what she said into consideration and am planning on counting my blessings everynight before I go to bed. Hopefully this will enable me to be more thankful about EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in my life and not take as many things for granted because I know how fortunate I am.
Before we get to go off for summer vacation we first have to get through exams, which brings upon a lot of stress, frustration, hair-pulling, and tears. That's why I decided to make you some cupcakes... the best study food out there (it's been scientifically proven!) Frosting, sprinkles, and all that good stuff:)
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